Thursday, June 03, 2010


I've been getting inundated with emails asking me to promote various England related World Cup products on the site.

No, I wouldn't. And check the name of the site before getting in touch.

Nice then to find a World Cup campaign celebrating Scotland. And Brazil.

Irn-Bru have created Bruzil:

Who cares about not qualifying in 2010, when we can win in 2034? The plan is to make babies with Brazil to create a Samba McFootball team that will gub the world.

Away From The Numbers reports that:

Barr's Martin Steele visited Rio de Janeiro last week in order to place the lonely heart ads on billboards and in the dating sections of the Brazilian press. One, placed in the O Globo newspaper, reads: "Scots lass seeks Brazilian man with good sense of humour to make Scottish football magic".

I'd volunteer to get involved but the DNA test on Irn-Bru's website suggests that while my "swerviness" is unrivalled my "impressive tackle" rating leaves a lot to be desired. It was ever thus.

Here's the first of six videos.

All the best

1 comment:

  1. I had two of those emails yesterday, one for a Shilton/Lampard video, the other about some iphone gadget to follow the english teams.

    [delete] and [delete]. Chunts.

    But anyways: "brazilian boabie".

