Tuesday, November 28, 2006

No Return for Casuals

Well done to Lothian and Borders Police for arresting the Hibs and Hearts casuals involved in disturbances in Edinburgh last month.

The eight arrests, made after dawn raids on addresses in the Edinburgh area, are said to be just the beginning of police action after the incident.

Good stuff. Let’s hope those found guilty are properly punished and barred from football.

And barred for life. Earlier this month Izak Cowie, a 38 year old nutter and a member of Airdrie’s infamous Section B casuals, was banned from every football ground in the UK until 2009.

Leaving court he spoke some rubbish about returning to the game to see Airdrie in the SPL in three years.

He should never get into any football ground again.

The problem of casuals has never really gone away. But for a few years it was underground and, to an extent, out of mind.

If recent events in Edinburgh show that it is returning to the fore then the football authorities should begin to crack down hard. Lifetime bans are a start. Any clubs that aren’t seen to be dealing with the problem should face harsh penalties.

There is no room in the game for this brand of violent head case.

Reports in Edinburgh suggest that some of the people who were involved were forty something men who were returning to the battlegrounds of their youth.

Ask yourself what forty year old that would willingly go out and have fight after a football match? And if he chooses to do it he should be locked up.

Football has moved on. Not all the changes have been for the better. But the casual problem has no place in the modern game and no place in modern society.


  1. I more or less agree, although I think longer, well-enforced bans might be better than a lifetime ban.

    I think (some) people grow up and change and should have another chance after a few years' ban.

  2. Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers? Izak Cowie never said anything about airdrie bieng in the premier league by the time his ban is up.He was escorted to the back of the sheriff court as not to talk to press who were just after a story.He isn't an old nutter either, he has a family who he looks after and provides for.He is a normal guy who might enjoy a little excitement at the week-end.He will serve his time and get back to the football.

  3. No I don't believe everything I read the newspapers. Nor do I believe that every media outlet in Scotland would gang together to make up a quote and attribute it to a nonentity like Cowie. We all enjoy excitement at the football. That's the point of being supporters. Most of us can do that without resorting to Nazi salutes. People defending Cowie are as much of a problem as people like Cowie.

  4. But they are nowhere near as much a problem as ignorant arseholes like you waffles on when you don't know what you are talking about all the edinburgh cases have been dropped so civil liberties have been abused without just cause. With this in mind you might want to climb down from your Old Bill bumming band wagaon.
    As for this quote 'Nor do I believe that every media outlet in Scotland would gang together to make up a quote and attribute it to a nonentity like Cowie.' really don't know how stupid you can be every paper prints the same story just word it different and a nonentity as you put it is much easier to gang up on and stretch the truth to get a story as they can not retaliate or reply as idiots like you will read your paper and self appoint yourself judge and jury.

  5. Glad to see that someone still wants to make a case for these idiots. Check my "Points of View" post for my answers to anon.
